Friday, September 16, 2005

Life so far today.

Ok. first of all, everybody pray for Mark and Leah Garrett, their new baby Seth, and the rest of the Reynolds/Garrett family and the doctors at they look to find the answer to whatever may be wrong with Seth.

In other news--on my way to pay champaign/Ford counties for the right to substitute teach I got lost. and i felt a little sicky-so i used my 2 emergency dollars to buy a taco bell pop which we all know that i love. while there, i also got a call from LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES and i have an interview first thing monday I never made it to the regional office because if this job works out, I wouldn't be able to substitute anyways. So yeah. Pray for that.

I'm happy because Christy is coming over tonite when she gets off work since both of our husbands are at work until late. It should be a good time. I'm really glad that we've finally (after like 5 years) become friends outside of camp.

Also, pray for my friend Gina. Shes going through a really rough time and she needs some God hugs.

I think thats the news for now.

1 comment:

lexerdax said...

FORD County?? As in, the county where Kempton and Piper City are located? As in, where I went to grade school and junior high?!


(I don't think you would end up subbing at Tri-Point, though, because I think it's considered a Livingston County School. Even though the main office is located in Kempton, the high school is in Cullom, which is Livingston County ... by about two miles.)

Congrats on the interview for Monday! I am praying it goes well!