Sunday, January 09, 2005

I can't do anything...

I'm dumb. I can't figure out how to post pictures. Jeremy would be way disappointed in my lack of HTML ability.'s FROSTY!


Sou said...

I remember the first time i tried to post a picture, it was torture, pure torture! Now i can do it with my eyes closed!! (ok, i don't think i can actually do it with my eyes closed--but u get my drift! hehe) Just ask someone to help (i had to figure it out my self :s) it's easier than it seems! hehe...and nice blog, i enjoyed reading it!

Sou said...

Just read your profile, "In the time of the butterflies" is one of my favourite books as well! Did you watch the movie? If you haven't you should, they did a good job turning it into a film! :)