Monday, September 06, 2004


I want to start by saying hurricanes in florida are a tragedy. But its something you can make sense of, so sorry if im not sympathetic to the fact that the news is full of hurricane stories when we spend less than 5 minutes addressing the recent terrorist attacks in russia. we had the world up in arms on sept. 11, and before that...spent countless hours reliving the horror of the Oklahoma city bombing. Put the two together, and we've got the terrorist incident that occurred last week in Russia. Over 350 dead, 450 more injured...and it barely gets 5 minutes on the news. I couldn't sleep saturday because i was so upset. now--that doesnt make me great at all..but it just seems so senseless...all those poor kids...and families. so i am upset. still. its just so sad. the attacks are a response to a recent election--makes you be glad no one will blow you up regardless of who takes office here after the election.

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