Saturday, March 26, 2005

black saturday.

Sigh. It's gross out today. Fitting, since the world should be in mourning. No one realizes the hope of tomorrow today.

I think this is the first time scott and i have actually had time and packed everything up. I remember moving with like 2 days notice...and it sucked. This really isn't any better. If we have all this stuff we can live without for days, weeks or months--why even bother. :)
I didn't pack yesterday, but if i get my closet cleaned and packed (its the only thing in the bedroom that still needs done) then we can go out to dinner (thats right folks..we're packin our pans) and maybe see a movie. **and maybe buy paint!!**

well, i guess i can find something to thread or something. man, work is crazy boring. I miss all my kids who get to work at nite. The mornings are toooooo slow.


Paul said...

The world should be in mourning? I don't get it.

It's beautiful here, I might go see the animation show, and I could use more nap time.

lexerdax said...

I think you and I are the only ones who get Black Saturday. I said something about it to Ryan and he was like, "Huh?"

How was your weekend?