Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Water anyone?

So, I work in kankakee on monday and tuesday every week. I get there yesterday, only to find that a pipe or pump or some main thing has busted and there is no water in the entire area, unless they have a well (which thankfully, my parents do-go hicks!). Anyway, as a food service establishment of sorts, we can't be open without water. So I got the day off yesterday and got to hang out with joel and rachel, which was super fun. Then today, because they issued a boil order until things are restored, we had to serve soda out of 2 liters..which meant we had to keep going to the store to buy soda. Not fun, but an experience anyway. It made my job not so dull. Then tonight, Megan offered to ride home with me (oh how i love the homeless) and so we had a fun car ride to hang out--which i totally love--i love megan when she is just being megan-with no one else around. So that was fantastic.

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