Sunday, December 18, 2005

With all my love...

Ok. This is a real post. So pay attention. I have this quote on my away message -many of you have probably seen it: ***To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting***

My original post that i wrote out at work had a lot to do with being a hypocrite. and not like the "oh everyone is a hypocrite on some level kind" but the --i can't let my friends all hang out in the same room because then they will find out im not the person i led any of them to believe kind. Here's the problem. I remember (a few years ago) when someone told me they were pregnant, and asked me to prepare our "christian" friends for the news, so that at least this person wouldn't at that time feel judged. I think, and this person can testify to the fact that they were instead showered with love and support because it didn't matter. She was our friend, and no matter what happened, or happens to this day--she is loved. Many of the christians i know--not so judgemental as you may think. Sure, they stand up for what they believe in, but honestly-its your own conscious that makes you feel guilty. Not the christian. If you profess to be a christian, and hold to a christian value system then YES-other christian people will tell you when you do something not in line with your own professed christian belief. THat does not mean you are being means that someone is trying to hold you accountable for your own actions. I hold my non-christian friends just as accountable as my christian friends. So to all of my friends--stop lying. Just be who you are. Figure out what kind of person you want to be, and then don't change who you are to fit what you think other people want you to be.

Ok. So that might sound harsh--but its been edited about 4 times, so you got the mild version. here's the question(s) of the day--the serious real question: Do you feel abandoned in some area of your life? Are you lonely? Are you hurt in a way that you've never told anyone ever about? Do you feel lost? If you can trust me: please share. Maybe not in detail, or in a comment--but yes/no. If you are willing to share more-please do--just be honest with yourself. Then be waiting for the good news I have for you in an upcoming post (and the answer isn't just Jesus). Know that no matter where you are right now in your own life-you care cared for by me (and Jesus). Nothing will ever change that.

1 comment:

Paul said...

I was a lot more lost after my dad died. I always expected to have him there to help me through everything, but his loss set me adrift and put me in a pretty bad tailspin.

But I'm doing a little bit better now.

Do I have anything I've never told anyone? I really have mother issues. I miss having a mother really badly. And now ont having a father, it's been terrible. I need a mother in my life, but I don't think there's anything I can do about that.