Sunday, June 12, 2005

Dear Prince Charming.

I once wrote a series of letters to prince charming. I wasn't seven, or twelve, I was 23. Now I'm 26, and feel the dark days creeping back in. Those letters were the only way I felt I could express myself. The only way to deal with how I felt. I didn't feel that there was anyone who would understand-except of course prince charming. Funny thing about those letters. They were misguided. They were written to a person-not a prince. Today, I want to write another letter-I miss writing. Sometimes it seems that only paper and pencil understand how i feel.


Dear Prince Charming.

Today, i sit here wishing for something different. Wishing that memories held truth and not figments of imagination. Hoping against all hope that it wasn't happening again. I want the memories to be truth. I want to believe in princes and castles and happily ever after. I look though, and find that the memories aren't real-their truth fading as it gains strength. I long for the time when you knew me as the princess and not for what I really was. I wish to believe you to be a prince. Imagine the suprise I felt when I discovered that only in the memory were we ever royalty. I pretending for you, and you for me. Being what you thought a prince should be, instead of revealing your true nature. And me, dancing around, looking foolish in my long gowns made from scraps. Of course we knew the truth but never faced it. If you are reading this letter, you are probably angry that I have revealed who you are, and in doing so revealed that I too, lived in the lie. I wanted so badly to believe in that castle. If you believe a lie long enough, does it become truth in your memory?

I wish I knew the answer.
a wannabe princess.


Now I feel better. Not really. But thats ok. At least I wrote a new letter. Its hard to make them similar to the old ones. After all, nothing stays the same. I remember once, someone suggested I publish the prince charming letters. If I did-probably anyone who bought them would immediately want to kill themselves. But maybe if i could sprinkle in a few amusing stories. And a little more fiction. And if I could find the original letters. Who knows.

**Moviegoer tip of the day: Call the information line if you want to know showtimes. Thats why we have it. Because we don't pay someone to stand next to the phone all day answering all of your questions. Look online, or in the paper. Do something other than call our office line. Seriously. Don't call the theatre. Call the hotline. 1-800-FANDANGO works for almost anywhere!!**

1 comment:

Paul said...

That was very sad, but what made you feel the need to write them?

They could be published, but they'd have to tell a story along with being letters.