With this sudden growth in my blogging friends, I find myself under enormous pressure to post on a regular basis--I also obsessively check everyone else's blog so I can see new posts, or even new comments immediately. Do you think this is unhealthy? I even find myself constantly checking Scott's livejournal and I live with him. I know everything that goes on in his life. But I still feel compelled to check-as if he has some secret internet life he may reveal to the masses and not to me. You never know. and so I must check. and check again. and again. He's at work. There isn't any way he could post. But just in case someone comments. Oh the pressure. I think that perhaps the internet is the devil, and the real reason I have no friends is that instead of going out and making some, I stick to my lovely computer. What a sad sad life.
This is definitely normal. I am startig to set my self worth for the day in how many comments i get for a post. :)
does that make you the devil's handmaiden. honestly, i couldnt wait to get home today to post and check everyone elses
I so completely agree.
I drive 20 minutes to my parents house whether I need anything else or not every day, just to be able to post and check other's blogs. (I don't have a landline at the moment and so can't get the internet at home...driving me crazy it is!!!)
So, I just read your blurb in your profile about Disney trivia...I just told someone that story the other day.
Oh what fun times we had!!!!
Welcome to the world of internet blogging, I'm addicted and I love it!
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