So, first there is this not so happy bit of news...we have a children's musical every year on christmas eve--and I cannot bear being away from my family for christmas--but the musical must go on--and I, as their fearless leader, must be in attendance. It's a tragedy of epic proportions, but it happens, and I will muddle through. IN lighter news--scott and I applied to volunteer at Youth Specialties National Youthworker convention in Dallas--AND WE GOT ACCEPTED! This means we get to attend the convention for free, and we get tons of cool free stuff. I am super excited. I haven't been since 2001-and scott since it will be FANTASTIC--I RECOMMEND EVERYONE GO-even if you don't work with teens. its a fantastic time :)
if the thing is christmas eve, can't you drive to your families after it? or the next morning?
In Dallas? Texas? Or is there like a Dallas Illinois or something?
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