Friday, August 20, 2004

crazy paranoia

Some days I feel like there is nothing going on. I worked all morning (got a lot of office work accomplished) planned an event, created a template, and then stared at these people who do a food co-op at our church. Now, they only come in one friday a month-and the truck brings the food, and they sort it, and they determine who gets what. The interesting thing about this group is that not one of them attends our church. Yet they have a key, and full use of our fellowship hall. Maybe I'm not trustworthy enough-but then again, my office is the only one on that level. I mean, there they are, doing a good thing for the community, and yet I am worried about them poisoning my fish or something. I know thats totally crazy because they are doing a service--but I just kept thinking--who are these people, and why are they doing this here? I mean, our church isn't exactly in the middle of isn't even in town. So now we all know I'm paranoid, and don't trust anyone. It happens. I'm not happy about it, but it was my reaction.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Sara thats not paranoid. those are reasonable questions. Maybe poisoning your fish is a little overboard, but you dont know those people. I think they are all zombies.