Wednesday, June 27, 2007


so, i haven't had much time to post, because i've been at camp for the last week and a half or so...and will be returning this evening after an ec camp meeting.

I love camp. but here's the thing. I don't love my job. so that makes it hard. because maybe i need a ministry job that will let me go to camp without being crazy frustrated. which makes me more frustrated, because i have no idea what my ministry really is. I love teaching second grade sunday school, and i love to dance and sing at childrens church..and do pre-teen trips, and vbs, and all that good jazz...but i love jr high kids too...i had an amazing time at jr high camp and i'm expecting to have a similar experience at sr high camp.

Now, you might think that maybe its just camp, but its not. i loved working with the jr highers in danville, and i adore our sr high youth group at church. So im stuck. i guess its not a bad stuck, because trying to figure out your ministry because you like them all is better than being stuck in a ministry you hate. i guess i'm just confused as to what God wants from me. Today though, when i got back to work, i had to really struggle to do anything. and i just wanted to walk out, or kick something, and even on days when i love my job--the truth is i still hate my job.

so, if anyone knows what kind of ministry i should be doing, let me know.


Abbie said...

I think your ministry should be taking young kids for a week or two so their parents can get a break.

Or, you could teach hydrophobics under-water basket weaving.

There's always missionary dating, too - although your husband may not go for that.

Okay, so that wasn't much help!! :(

Anonymous said...

You should become a coder. Not a ministry per say, but maybe you'd like your job better. :)

Keyframegirl said...

Your complaint and struggle is a common one with church people. The church has prioritized ministry to a point that it has become over kill. People search for their "ministry" or "calling" and then never find it. Or if they get fired or things don't work out then their whole world collapses - how could God do that if that is their ministry, or that is their calling?!?!

God wants you to be happy. God does not want you to be in a job that you are not joyful. And while it might not be joyful every day, it should be something that ignites your spirit.

SO, what is the passion of your heart? What excites you and makes you happy?!? It might not be a traditional job - look at mine!! God puts those things there for a reason, he doesn't want you to ignore them because the church NEEDS a new NWMI President. He wants you to follow those, and if you follow the wrong thing - He CAN close the door you know!?!?

While that's not the easy answer, it's the true answer a lot of churches don't like to say.

Hugs and prayers for this new journey and chapter of your life!!