Friday, July 09, 2004

The sad truth.

So, it would be easy to say i am not a political person. In fact, I have no idea where to even begin to understand. I have taken classes on politics, and as a 25 year old i should at least have some idea, but the whole concept is lost on me. This has been deeply troubling to me in light of the upcoming election. How do i decide who to vote for? I honestly don't think either candidate is fit to hold the office. Of course, I don't feel like i have a right to say that because of my political ignorance. Nobody is perfect, but it seems like these guys are totally off base. How do you decide who would make a good president? And what if you are wrong? Its very stressful. In fact, I am currently losing sleep over it, among other things. Ah well, I suppose I may as well get some stuff for work done. No point in rambling aimlessly all night when I don't even know what I am talking about.

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